Cowichan Valley Track and Field

The Cowichan Valley Track and Field Club provides local athletes the opportunity to train and compete in track and field throughout Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Our athletes, families, coaches and board members are passionate about the benefits of track and field. We strive to develop a strong track and field community in the Cowichan Valley.

Athletes that register with the CVAC Jaguars will learn the basics in running, jumping and throwing to allow them to comfortably compete in the Vancouver Island meets throughout the spring track season.


Our athletes are able to compete and earn awards throughout the track season, as well as at the end of the year. Outside of track meet awards, many of our CVAC Jaguars have achieved Vancouver Island Awards, and Provincial BC Athletics awards. Check out the BC Athletics Crest Criteria and Standards to learn more.

Vancouver Island Athletics Association (VIAA)

Our club is also a member of the VIAA. Through the VIAA, our members can participate in 6 Island Track meets and one pentathlon meet.

The VIAA is an informal association of all the competitive track and field clubs located on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and Powell River [Zone 6]. Members assist the other clubs in hosting and officiating at the two series hosted by the VIAA: the VIAA Track and Field Series ~ a series of 6 track meets held from April to June each year and the VIAA Cross Country Series.

To learn more about the Vancouver Island Athletics Association click here.

BC Athletics

BC Athletics is the Provincial non-profit amateur sport organization for Track & Field, Road Running, Marathons/Ultras, Cross Country/Trail Running and Race Walking. A Branch member of Athletics Canada, BC Athletics is made up of individual members, member clubs and affiliated organizations. The purpose of the Association is to promote, encourage and develop the widest participation and the highest proficiency in the sport of Athletics.

To learn more about BC Athletics please visit their page here.